Wind down before bed with a warm shower and beary relaxing lathers. A calming blend of lavender, chamomile and neroli oils calms the mind while oat and lavender flower infusion soothes and gently cleanses the skin.
What's in it for you?
- An oat and lavender flower infusion soothes and gently cleanses skin.
- Lavender and chamomile oils to help you wind down before bed.
- Neroli oil has a calming and uplifting aroma.
Hop in a warm shower, lather up and relax.
Store with the lid closed between uses.
Leaving the world Lusher than we found it
This self-preserving product is formulated to stay fresh and effective without added synthetic preservatives listed under Annex V of the EU Cosmetic Regulations (EC) No 1223/2009.
* occurs naturally in essential oils
Fighting animal testing
We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. We test products on humans and promote, fund and use human biology relevant testing methods entirely animal and animal-product free.